“french” onion soup

IMG_1561The word “French” is in parenthesis, because this onion soup is a little different from the traditional version people are used to, because it doesn’t contain any beef broth. However, I promise you, it is just as delicious, and the sweetness and natural flavor of the caramelized onions are really able to shine.

4 tbsp butter
4-5 large sweet onions
2-3 large yellow onion
1 qt chicken stock
2-3 qt water
1 tsp chopped fresh tyhme
salt and pepper
1/2 cup marsala, or white wine (optional)

thick slices of crust bread
gruyere cheese, grated (or parmesan, pecorino, or a mix)

– Cut off both ends of onions then cut it in half, with the grain.  Thinly slice the onions with the grain.sliced onions, weepy bloggerIt might sound and look like a lot of onions before you cook them down, but trust me, they cook down A LOT!

– Heat butter over high heat in a large stock pot; you want a pot that’s wider than it is tall- the more surface area the faster the onions will cook
– Add onions and cook till beginning to brown. You should not have to add any liquid for the first 10-15 minutes, because the natural juices from the onions will deglaze the pot. Once you see any brown bits accumulating on the bottom of the pot add ~1/4 cup of stock, just to loosen the bits up
– Depending on the size of your pot, keeping the pot over high heat is the fastest way to caramelize the onions, but it does require you to constantly watch the pot, stir, and deglaze, otherwise the bottom may burn

Continue to cook the onions until they become a dark brown, I normally cook the onions for at least an hour. Although it may just be onion soup, it is not a quick meal, but the depth of flavor you get from the caramelized onions is worth the wait, and you will be able to tell when a restaurant has taken a short cut, and not fully caramelized their onions from now on. Don’t cook your onions for 1/2 hr and then get impatient and skimp on the caramelizing; you’ll be doing yourself an injustice!

– Once your onions are fully caramelized, add the wine and cook for 5 minutes before adding the remaining stock and water. Add chopped thyme and season with salt and pepper.

– Drizzle the bread slices with olive oil and broil in the oven till toasted
– Ladle soup into bowls, top with a slice, or two, of toasted bread, and cover with cheese. If your bowls are oven-safe, place back under the broiler until cheese is bubbly and brown.