crispy oven roasted mushrooms


A super easy, delicious side for steak, chicken, fish, or an addition to a salad or a snack on their own!

Roasted Mushrooms
You can use as many, or as few, types of mushrooms as you want. I like using several different types for different textures. And mushrooms cook down a lot! What started out as a full 9″x15″ tray of mushrooms cooked down to 2 servings, so make sure you take that into account when you’re buying your shrooms


1 pkg honshimeiji mushrooms, separated
1 pkg eryngi mushrooms (king, or Ali’i shroom), sliced
1 bunch hiratake (oyster shroom), separated

  • Often times, supermarkets will only carry the usual shrooms (shiitake, portabella, cremini) try your local Asian supermarket to find more uncommon varieties (enoki, maitake, and the ones I used listed above)

2 tbsp butter, cut into small pieces
olive oil
salt and pepper

– Preheat oven on high broil. Toss mushrooms with olive oil, salt and pepper and spread onto baking sheet. Sprinkle with pieces of butter
– Broil mushrooms on the bottom rack in the oven until they begin to soften and wilt. Move tray to top rack and broil till mushrooms are brown and crispy. Remove from oven and EAT!

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